Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Face with an Eye Lift

Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Face with an Eye Lift

Good looking woman with her beautiful eyes | Get Eye lift at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

Our faces are the first thing people notice about us and the eyes can really give away your age. Creams and moisturizers are simply not enough to eliminate all those fine lines. But there is a way to defy nature and give your face a refreshed appearance.

A simple eye-lift, also called blepharoplasty, can take years off you’re your appearance. This is such a popular procedure that it has consistently ranked in the top five cosmetic surgeries in the U.S. for a number of years.

And it’s not just for celebrities; there is a growing trend of professional men and women seeking out this procedure. If a person has tired-looking eyes because of sagging lids, under eye bags and wrinkles, their bosses and may get the impression they are getting too old to be a vibrant and productive employee. Older professionals who must compete with younger applicants and employees can gain an edge when they rejuvenate their look.

A plastic surgeon can remove the excess skin on the upper lids, making the skin look fresher. On the lower lids, an eye lift can eliminate bags and reduce the appearance of fine lines and crow’s feet.

If you ever thought about having a cosmetic surgery, but have been reluctant because of the recovery period, an eye lift may be for you. Both upper and lower procedures are minimally invasive and will take only days, not weeks, to recover from.

Contact New York plastic surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman at (212) 585-2133 to set up a consultation and see how you can take years of your face.

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