The procedure is usually performed under twilight anesthesia in our Accredited Facility, this way you will have an easy recovery without nausea or vomiting that are typically associated with general anesthesia.
Dr. Grossman will use one of your naturally occurring wrinkles in the arm pit as the access point through which the implants will be introduced. Using the natural wrinkle will significantly reduce your chances of having visible scars.
The surgery time is approximately 90 to 120 minutes. In Dr. Grossmans’ proprietary approach, no drain tubes are needed and no restraining garments are necessary, so that the majority of our patients can return to a desk job in just 1 to 3 days. If your job is of physical nature, you may require more time before resuming normal activities.
All the sutures are placed internally, so nothing needs to be removed after the surgery.
Returning to the gym is very individual, some men can be on the tread mill in a week and others may have to wait longer.
Full energy work outs can be resumed by most patients three weeks after surgery.
After all is said and done, you should have the muscle bulk and definition you have always wanted.
To schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Grossman please call 212-585-2133