Whereas more traditional face-lifts involve incisions near the ear and hairline, requiring multiple stitches and significant recovery time from bruising, Dr Grossman favours the fat grafting method as it’s a less intense procedure, requiring very little recovery time and minimising scarring and bruising.
Dr Grossman also offers lifts to the cheek and neck areas. The cheek lift can be carried out by making an incision through the mouth area which results in a lift with no scarring. Alternatively, the fat grafting procedure can be utilised.
When carrying out lifts to the neck, Dr Grossman uses Renuvion (J-plasma. This is a fairly new procedure, introduced in 2016, using a plasma beam to direct energy and target the specific areas that require tightening and lifting. Lifts are also available for the eye (Blepharoplasty)using procedures that seek to reduce discomfort and scarring as much as possible.