Transumbilical Breast Augmentation is the most effective method at delivering the desired results to the patient, with less downtime and post-operative care as compared with traditional breast augmentation surgery. This endoscopic assisted technique has many advantages, among them when the patient wants the breast size substantially increased, not just 1 or 2 cup sizes, but 3 or more. Reason being, there is no tension on the incision line in TUBA procedure.
Frequently patients needing a mastopexy (breast lift) and augmentation can have TUBA, which will lift and enlarge the breasts totally without scars all in one procedure. If you desire larger breasts, need breast reconstruction, do not want scars, or need a lift and are in good physical and mental condition –T.U.B.A. is definitely the procedure for you.
1. No scars on the breast.
2. Breasts look more natural quicker than with any other approach, except for Fat Grafting (Transfer).
3. Chances of losing sensation to the nipple or the breast is considerably smaller than with traditional approach (less than 1% with TUBA).
4. No bleeding complications have occurred in more than 7,000 procedures at our center. In traditional breast augmentation there is always some bleeding caused by cutting.
5. Any size breast implant can be placed the first time around with no limit in size.
6. Quicker surgical time 15-35 minutes.
7. Less anesthesia requirements and no post-op nausea and vomiting.
8. Quicker recovery (many patients return to work the next day).
9. Less pain postoperatively (most patients take nothing “strong” for pain the day after surgery).
10. Implants can be placed under or over the muscle (95% of our patients get unders).
11. Fewer capsular contractures (hard breasts) occur with TUBA (in our experience less than 1%).
12. Infections: in our large series of patients (over 7,000) not a single patient had implant infection. Note: in traditional breast augmentations done in the hospital, infections occur as often as 20% of the time (UNACCEPTABLE).
13. Implants can be exchanged the very same way at any time (through the belly button), for new implants, larger or smaller ones.
14. Implants can be exchanged by means of TUBA even in patients who have had traditional breast surgery; this way you avoid unnecessary pain and scarring.
15. One exception to the above rule: patients, who have capsular contractures, will require open revision surgery.
16. All breast implants come with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.
17. Most patients can resume gym exercise in 5 to 7 days.
18. No special bras or taping is required, you can wear your favorite bra within a few days.
19. Showers and almost all “normal” activities can be resumed the next day.
20. You can be on the beach or even go topless and no one can tell you that you had your breasts “done” (unless of course you are extremely large).
The myths you may hear from uneducated others and even doctors:
1. TUBA goes inside the belly and you can suffer permanent or mortal damage.
COMPLETELY UNTRUE, the endoscope in the TUBA procedure goes only under the skin, through the fat, never entering the inside of the abdomen.
2. Implants can only be placed subglandularly (over the muscle).
COMPLETELY UNTRUE AGAIN, more than 95% Dr. Grossman’s patients have the implants placed under the muscle.
3. Infections are more frequent.
Not a single patient in our series had an infection.
4. TUBA will result in visible lines from the breasts to the belly button.
Not completely untrue as we have seen patients from other doctors with this condition, but using Dr. Grossman’s technique, patients don’t have this problem.
5. You will have to have your breasts cut in the future anyways.
Sounds logical, but it’s NOT TRUE. In fact it’s even easier on the patient to have implants exchanged or replaced by TUBA for the exactly the same reasons as the original breast augmentation.
Price of TUBA Breast Augmentation surgery varies according the placement of the implants and the size of the unusually large, custom order implants. Patient’s medical history and condition is very important in the decision making process, since the patients’ safety is of paramount importance.
When shopping for the best deal in town keep these facts in mind and also be ware that having the least expensive surgeon operate on you may eventually cost you so much more in the future. Loss of health and time is very expensive.
Experience of the doctor combined with excellent results should be your guides in the decision making process.
Corrective procedures are much more expensive, than the first time well performed surgery.
Your goal as the patient is to make the right choice and have the surgery you have always wanted done right the very first time, by the right hands.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Grossman please call 212-585-2133
For information on saline vs. silicone breast implants, click here.