Post-Bariatric Surgery in New York City: What to Expect

Post-Bariatric Surgery in New York City: What to Expect

BARIATRIC SURGERY by Dr. Grossman in New York

   Bariatric surgery is life-changing for people who choose to undergo the procedure. The surgery makes the stomach smaller, thus allowing patients who struggle with weight loss to lose weight. The surgery can result in dramatic weight loss, leading to better health in the long-term. According to WebMD, following bariatric surgery, patients will need to change their diets given that the amount of food they eat will be smaller in quantity. Many patients choose to consult with a dietician to ensure that they are getting the nutrition that they need. Post-bariatric patients will also need to commit to healthy living and exercise. Finally, many post-bariatric patients eventually elect to undergo post-bariatric plastic surgery in order to remove sagging skin that remains after major weight loss.

The dramatic weight loss that occurs with bariatric surgery can lead to excess skin in the arms, breast, abdomen, thighs, lower back, and buttocks. This condition cannot be corrected through exercise and diet. The only way to correct for this condition is through post-bariatric surgery which involves retailoring the suit of skin. During the procedure, a skilled plastic surgeon removes the patient’s excess skin, allowing the plastic surgeon to redrape the patient’s new body.

            Post-bariatric surgery is ideal for patients whose weight has been stable following bariatric surgery. According to the American Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, most bariatric patients experience weight stabilization after about 18 – 24 months following surgery. Because every patient’s case is unique, it is important to consult with your doctor before choosing to undergo post-bariatric surgery to ensure that your weight has stabilized. If you plan to lose additional weight, or if you are still gaining and losing weight on a regular basis, it might be best to wait until your weight has stabilized. Weight gain or weight fluctuations can affect the success of post-bariatric surgery.

            Ideal candidates for post-bariatric plastic surgery are healthy in mind and body, their diets are healthy and the patients themselves do not suffer from heart disease or diabetes. Finally, patients should also have realistic expectations of what post-bariatric surgery can accomplish. While the surgery can’t restore your body to looking the way it did before you gained weight, it can definitely help improve your shape.

            Eating a healthy diet is particularly important prior to post-bariatric surgery. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a plastic surgeon in NYC who performs the procedure of post bariatric plastic surgery. Patients are placed on specialized diets prior to post-bariatric surgery in order to ensure that they are nutritionally balanced to promote fast healing and make the procedure less stressful.

            Post bariatric plastic surgery can help improve self-esteem, but also has medical benefits in that the loss of excess skin can lead to less chafing and rashes. Post-bariatric surgery will leave scars, so it is important to seek out a skilled plastic surgeon, who can properly plan the tailoring incisions so that they will be least obtrusive.

            Dr. Grossman is a skilled plastic surgeon who takes the time to ensure that patients are fully prepared for the procedure. If you believe you might be a good candidate for post weight loss surgery, contact Dr. Grossman’s NYC office today to learn more.

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