Plastic Surgeons Help Veterans Heal from War Wounds

Plastic Surgeons Help Veterans Heal from War Wounds

A team of surgeon in uniform perform the operation | NY

Veterans returning home from war often face a long road to recovery. The mental and physical impact of war on veterans’ bodies and minds has been noted in the media and by physicians who are helping veterans heal. For many veterans returning home, plastic surgery has been found to be a way to help veterans piece their lives back together physically and mentally. The emotional impact of plastic surgery can be beneficial for veterans who wish to regain a sense of normalcy after returning home.

For women soldiers, plastic surgery can be especially beneficial. One female soldier told the Today show that while scars may be “cool” or acceptable for males, society is less accepting socially of women who bear the marks of war.

While the media often discusses celebrity surgeries, there are many surgeons who work on a daily basis to help individuals heal the scars left by explosions or other war injuries.

For men and women who have suffered disfiguring injuries, plastic surgery can help them regain confidence. Some soldiers have been so inspired by their plastic surgery journeys that they have decided to go on to become doctors themselves. Others feel that surgery gives them the confidence and feeling of wholeness to resume life activities they enjoyed before war and injury.

Plastic surgery can have a medical component as well. Removal of excess skin around amputations can help prosthetics fit more comfortably, which can allow veterans to enjoy increased mobility.

One plastic surgeon who works with patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center explains that surgery can change the way veterans think, feel, and the way that they interact with others. According to New York Daily News, plastic surgery can also help veterans who suffer from burn wounds. One veteran who lost his nose explained that while he wasn’t bothered by stares from strangers, his children were affected. Plastic surgeons explain that many veterans receive the medical care they need to get healthy, but sometimes physicians fail to address the impact that a changed physical appearance can have on patients’ lives and mental well-being. For the father who underwent nose reconstruction surgery, he felt that the surgery reduced the number of stares he got and made him and his children feel more comfortable. He felt more confident going to his kids’ soccer games.

Plastic surgery clearly not only helps veterans heal, but it can also help families heal from the physical and emotional scars of war.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a plastic surgeon in NYC who works closely with all patients to help them achieve their aesthetic goals. From using fillers like Restylane® Lyft to heal scars, to helping individuals reverse the signs of aging, Dr. Leonard Grossman prides himself on helping individuals feel whole again and regain the confidence to return to their lives with increased self-esteem. Contact Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. or Visit us at today to learn more how plastic surgery and fillers like Restylane® Lyft can help you.

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