New York Times Reports on Plastic Surgery Trends: Americans Spend $2 Billion on Botox

New York Times Reports on Plastic Surgery Trends: Americans Spend $2 Billion on Botox

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While plastic surgery was once considered a luxury meant only for the rich and famous, more and more everyday working-class Americans are choosing to go under the knife. For instance, Americans spent $2 billion on Botox alone in 2014. For an aging Baby Boomer population, Botox provides a light touch-up that can result in a refreshed facial appearance without requiring extensive recovery time or lengthy surgery. Facial Botox treatment is always performed in an outpatient setting. 

When Botox is performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, patients don’t look like they’ve gone under the knife or have had anything done at all that’s drastic in appearance. Many report that friends and family notice something different, but generally will just note that the person looks well-rested or refreshed. 

Also recently, the New York Times reported on some rising plastic surgery trends. For instance, strategically injected facial fillers like Restylane and Juvederm have been erasing facial wrinkles and much, much more and these have been increasing in popularity as well. And when it comes to booty—bigger is better. Buttocsk augmentations have increased by 86%. The old idea of having too much “junk in the trunk” might have to be refurbished. When it comes to booty—volume equals beauty.  

These trends are influenced by a variety of factors including the media and the choices celebrities make. 

As many as 1 in 20 women have undergone some form of cosmetic surgery. And women are not the only ones going under the knife or seeking help from Botox and fillers. As many as 39% of plastic surgery Google searches are performed by men.  

E! reports that when it comes to the derriere, women want theirs to look like Kim Kardashian’s. When it comes to eyes—Olivia Munn is the ideal. Kate Middleton’s nose is also highly cited. Of course, E! decided to have a little fun with these ideals and Photoshopped together all these features to show what one woman would look like if she embodied all these trends. The result was a bit odd-looking—a stark reminder that when it comes to plastic surgery, a skilled and light touch by an experienced surgeon is always the best. The features we value in moderation may just not work when exhibited to an extreme.  

The photo also reveals another key point about plastic surgery. What works on one body and face may not work on others.  

This is why it is important for patients to find an experienced plastic surgeon before going under the knife. Plastic surgeons who produce good results have a keen eye and can advise their patients on what kind of modifications would work best, given their body or facial type.  

Plastic surgery is combination of science and delicate art whereby modifications are made in moderation in consideration of a patient’s overall goals. The patient’s needs as well as current appearance must also be considered. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. prides himself on offering unparalleled results to his New York City patients. Being the inventor of and practicing Organic Plastic Surgery has helped thousands of his patients in achieving optimal results with little to no downtime without the tale-tell signs of plastic surgery. In 1995, Dr. Grossman was the first American plastic surgeon to use Restylane and Juvederm fillers in his practice establishing himself as the most experienced in the field of Esthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery. 

If you’ve been considering plastic surgery, contact Dr. Grossman’s NYC office today for your initial consultation. Dr. Grossman will review your needs and goals and offer solutions that can work for you. Together, as a team you can create miracles. 

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