More Plastic Surgery for Bynes?

More Plastic Surgery for Bynes?

Plastic Surgery | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

 Amanda Bynes is at it again, expressing her desire for more nasal plastic surgery. Although Rhinoplasty is a popular treatment that can correct not only cosmetic defects with the nose but medical issues as well, such as a deviated septum, we have to wonder if Bynes isn’t taking things a little too far.

The 27-year-old former Nickelodeon starlet has already undergone nose reconstruction surgery four times to correct what she has referred to as “webbing” between her eyes, but it seems as though there may be an underlying problem that plastic surgery won’t be able to take care of.

Bynes is constantly referring to herself and others as “ugly” – even President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama – and it appears she may be turning to plastic surgery as a way to deal with her self-esteem issues. Yes, plastic surgery procedures like Rhinoplasty, Liposuction and Abdominoplasty can all help people look – and feel – their best, but it shouldn’t take four nose jobs to correct a minor nasal structure issue.

Bynes seemed to be very satisfied with the results of her first nose job, telling her fans on Twitter that “having surgery was the most amazing thing for my confidence!”

Yet, it appears as though her newfound confidence was short-lived. Bynes turned to her favorite social media site once more last night and admitted she won’t stop getting plastic surgery until the bone at the bridge of her nose is completely shaved off.

“My Broken Nose Is Making The Bone Under My Eyes Protrude So I Won’t Stop Getting Surgery Until That Bone Is Shaved Off,” Tweeted Bynes last night.

While there are times when a patient may need an additional Rhinoplasty surgery, referred to as “revision surgery,” it should not take an indefinite number of treatments to correct Bynes’ “webbing.”

Plastic surgery can improve our outward appearance, but when a patient continues to get surgery to correct a problem that is only visible to them, like Bynes, they may be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder.

As a leading New York plastic surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman has performed countless successful Rhinoplasty procedures and other treatments that have helped increase the confidence of his patients, but as any experienced surgeon can tell you, when a patient keeps coming back for subsequent treatments in the same area, despite the issue being corrected, their doctor should be able to sit down with them to see if the issue doesn’t go beyond the person’s physical appearance.

Dr. Grossman believes that plastic surgery can enhance an individual’s natural beauty and shouldn’t be a method used to completely alter the patient. Many plastic surgeons will not operate on a patient like Bynes who is erratic and fickle. Plastic surgery – even the most basic of treatments – is not a decision that should be made lightly. Patients must give careful consideration to their procedure and be 100% sure of what they are doing. Not only must patients be in good physical health to undergo surgery, they must also be in good mental health as well.  In Bynes’ case, it appears her surgeon isn’t paying too much regard to her real needs and is continuing to appease her with endless surgeries, which will only come back to haunt Bynes in the future.

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