Enhance Your Natural Facial Features With Rhinoplasty

Enhance Your Natural Facial Features With Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Let’s face it, only a handful of people in the world are born with a perfect nose. As for the rest of us, we have to grin and bear it when it comes to the luck of the draw in our genetics. But what if we didn’t have to? What if we could have the nose we want? With Dr. Leonard Grossman’s help, we can.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves reshaping and reconstructing the nose.  The procedure has been around for centuries, dating back to 500 BC in India. Since that time a lot has changed though.

 New York plastic surgeon Dr. Leonard Grossman has been performing this popular procedure for many years, helping to improve patient’s lives drastically. But the benefits of getting a nose job don’t just end with cosmetics. Not only can rhinoplasty aesthetically enhance your nose and other facial features, but it can also correct nasal problems, including congenital defects, respiratory problems and nasal trauma. Whether you want a subtle correction or a more dramatic change, Dr. Grossman can fulfill your needs.

With the introduction of Hyaluronic Acid fillers like Restylane in 1995, Dr. Grossman started to change the shape of the nose just by injecting the filler where there was lack of form or shape. Thus the” Nose Job in the Bottle” or “Non Surgical Rhinoplasty” was born. In 1996 Dr. Grossman was featured in the Extra TV with his revolutionary approach to correction of noses.

 Dr. Grossman has helped hundreds of patients have the nose they always wanted without the need of the risky surgery.

Now you too can then enjoy the permanent benefits of a beautiful, more symmetrical nose that will compliment your natural features.

For more information on Rhinoplasty or non-surgical correction of the nose contact Dr. Leonard Grossman today for a consultation.

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