

KYBELLA OR LIPOSUCTION | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

With the newly FDA-approved Kybella creating news splashes across the globe, everyone – even those that have not considered plastic surgery in the past – is suddenly paying attention to this revolutionary method of non-invasive chin fat reduction.  For decades, Liposuction has been recognized as the only available, and trusted, option for addressing the old dreaded “double chin” issue in men and women.  Now that Kybella is finally on the scene and is available as a viable alternative, the time has come to learn the differences between the two procedures.

One instant detail of Kybella that everyone appreciates is the fact that it is entirely non-invasive (besides the needle sticks); it is absolutely NOT a surgery.  In essence, Kybella is a series of injections, requiring no anesthesia, no typical recovery from such anesthesia and, of course, no cuts on the skin.  Simply put, Kybella is injected into the tissue under the chin with the intent to dissolve excess fat.

Having said that, a “series of injections” implies several sessions of injections (3 to 5 in most cases) which will naturally result in some swelling, as well as redness and bruising around the chin area, that typically lasts from two six weeks.

Quite the contrary, Liposuction is performed once and once only as a surgical procedure with a period of recovery and one or two follow-up appointments.  During Liposuction, a plastic surgeon physically removes extra fat using a small tube referred to as cannula, which functions alongside a specialized suction device.  The entire procedure typically lasts about 30 minutes and due to its invasive nature, requires local anesthesia or intravenous sedation as well as subsequent recovery which can take as little as six weeks or as long as three months.

And even though the average costs of both Kybella and Liposuction are approximately the same – or at least not that far apart on the financial scale, with Kybella being just a tad more expensive – most people also want to consider any potential risk factors associated with the two.  When it comes to Liposuction, the risks are precisely what you would expect from a surgical procedure – possible rare infection, tissue leftovers, and of course the post-operation recovery.  And when looking at Kybella, the risks are primarily associated with movement of injection product resulting in damaged outside tissue, as well as possible failure to properly measure the number of Kybella injections required in each patient’s specific case, left over fat unaffected by treatment and repeat procedures, each with repeat swelling, bruising and discomfort.  Ultimately, when injected properly, Kybella will only target the intended fat cells under the chin, leaving all other cells and tissue entirely unaffected.  Therefore, with Kybella in particular, it all comes down to the proper injection.

Nevertheless, by far the biggest risk with both Kybella and Liposuction has to do with choosing the right plastic surgeon for the job.  And this is where experience plays the most crucial role.  After all the tools have been prepared, after all the choices have been explained and outlined, and after the patient has decided on his or her preferred treatment option – it all comes down to the most trusted and experienced plastic surgeon to actually implement the procedures.

About Dr. Leonard Grossman

Dr. Grossman received his medical degree from New York Medical College in 1985. He went on to complete his internship and residency in General Surgery at Beth Israel Medical Center from 1985 to 1988. In 1995 Dr. Grossman completed his Fully Accredited Plastic Surgery Residency at Baylor and the Scott & White Memorial Hospital after the completion of his fellowship in Microsurgery at the Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, NY in 1990 and Burns and Reconstruction fellowship at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx, NY in 1991.
Since performing his first Liposuction under all local anesthesia in 1993, Dr. Grossman realized that the only way to get an ideal or “a near perfect” result in liposuction is to have the procedure done with the patient standing whenever possible. Since that time, with the compliment of excellent intravenous and local anesthesia, Dr. Grossman’s patients do not have any discomfort, anxiety or unpleasant memories of the procedure.

From Botox and Restylane, Juvederm to breast augmentationface lifts and tummy tucks, you are well taken care of in a private, comfortable atmosphere. If you have any special needs, NY cosmetic surgeon Dr. Grossman and his staff will be happy to assist you.

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