Human Barbie, Lacey Wildd, Planning 37th Plastic Surgery for Size QQQ Breasts

Human Barbie, Lacey Wildd, Planning 37th Plastic Surgery for Size QQQ Breasts

Large natural breast | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

How big is too big, when it comes to breasts? Most doctors will say that a woman’s comfort with her breast size is a personal decision that each individual will have to make. Some women seek to reduce the size of their breasts when their breasts cause back pain or lead to rashes. Yet, for some women, there is simply no such thing as “too large.”

For human Barbie, Lacey Wildd, 12 breast enlargements have not been enough. Despite currently having breasts sized, LLL, she wants size QQQ breasts. (Doctors have reportedly pleaded with her to stop, explaining that she would permanently damage her body by having more work done.) As it stands, the Daily Mail reports that Wildd’s breasts make it difficult for her to run. In order to further augment her body, Wildd has been on a diet to get her self down to a size 0.

Wildd has undergone 36 plastic surgeries, so many surgeries, that some surgeons won’t perform surgery on her. Surgeons often will consult with patients to ensure overall physical and mental health. A tendency to engage in too many plastic surgeries can be indicative of psychological conditions or addictions.

Some patients seek plastic surgery as one way of managing body dysmorphic disorder. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder spend inordinate amounts of time worrying or obsessing about perceived flaws with their bodies. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder will often pursue plastic surgery to alleviate this discomfort. Unfortunately, the surgeries seldom alleviate the psychological discomfort for long. Patients with body dysmorphic disorder are more likely to have multiple surgeries, whether or not these surgeries are prudent or healthy.

Wildd has told reporters that her world revolves around her boobs. Some believe she may suffer from plastic surgery addiction.

While it is not clear whether the “human Barbie” suffers from either body dysmorphic disorder or plastic surgery addiction, International Business Times reports that many plastic surgeons won’t perform surgery on Wildd as a result of her current surgery track record.

Wildd has told reporters that she wants to look like a “walking cartoon character” and wants to have “the most extreme body in the world.”

Wildd refuses to let her doctor’s recommendations stop her. She has promised to keep looking until she finds a surgeon willing to perform her breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation can be a healthy choice for individuals with reasonable expectations. Some individuals use breast augmentation surgery to correct deformities, or restore breast shape following mastectomies. For others, the surgery is purely for cosmetic purposes. All of these reasons are legitimate, but patients should consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to ensure the best outcome.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a skilled NYC plastic surgeon, who has been performing silicone breast augmentation since 1995. He was one of the few surgeons who performed breast augmentation surgery despite the 16 year-long FDA moratorium on silicone implant breast augmentation. If you want a plastic surgeon, who has the necessary experience and skill with silicone breast ugmentation, contact Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. today to learn more about how your breast augmentation can be successfully and satisfactorily performed.

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