Did Portia de Rossi Get Plastic Surgery?

Did Portia de Rossi Get Plastic Surgery?

Rhinoplasty by Dr. Grossman in New York

Portia de Rossi has officially joined the long list of celebrities who may or may not have undergone plastic surgery. The “Arrested Development” actress has fans around the country talking, but it’s not about her acting skills. What many are debating is whether or not Portia, who plays the very materialistic and vain Lindsay Bluth-Funke, has taken on her character’s personality and gone under the knife herself to look younger.

Among the rumors that have been spreading about the 40-year-old starlet are whether she opted to have rhinoplasty to change the shape of her nose, a brow lift to take years off her face, and filler injections and Botox to improve the appearance of her skin’s texture and reduce wrinkles and lines.

According to Portia, the secret to her good looks is all attributed to a vegan diet.  She claims that she’s not trying to look the way she did when she was 20, but after looking at before and after pictures, it’s hard not to notice the difference in Portia’s appearance.

There’s even a web page where two plastic surgeons weighed in on whether they think the starlet had work done, and they unanimously agree that the answer is “yes.”

The surgeons who gave their professional opinion about Portia’s possible makeover both believe she had rhinoplasty to change the tip of her nose with certainty. Questions of whether she had other treatments still remain up in the air because all they had to go off of were still photographs that can’t accurately show Portia’s facial movements to determine whether she had any Botox or other treatments.

However, if she did undergo plastic surgery, her treatments were certainly successful. Unlike some plastic surgery nightmares in Tinseltown, in which celebrities go a little too far in altering their appearance and come out looking a million times worse than before, Portia looks youthful and vibrant in the new season of “Arrested Development,” whether she went under the knife or not.

Here in New York, Dr. Leonard Grossman fully believes successful plastic surgery is attained when a patient looks and feels their best. The goal is to achieve as natural of a look as possible, enhancing a patient’s own features, not destroying them as some celebrities who opt for over-the-top treatments do.  Portia looks terrific, and if she did have rhinoplasty surgery or any other enhancement treatment, she can serve as a testament in Hollywood for what a successful surgery should look like.

Portia’s character on the show has been repeatedly associated with having undergone plastic surgery, so it may all just be part of the script and a lot of clever makeup artistry that’s making the actress look different this season on “AD.” After all, makeup tactics that add contour to different areas of the face are frequently employed to reduce the size of an actor’s nose, give the appearance of higher cheekbones, make actors look thinner, and so on.

So, the question still remains regarding a possible plastic surgery. Does Portia in fact have a new look or does it all boil down to the work of a very talented makeup artist? Tell us what you think.

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