Britney Spears Admits to Lip Injections

Britney Spears Admits to Lip Injections

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Though many have long believed some of Hollywood’s most famous faces have been lucky in terms of natural beauty, this year, we have come to learn that several stars have undergone at least one form of plastic surgery involvement. Whether the treatment of choice was Botox, breast implants or liposuction, a good portion of people under the limelight have turned to cosmetic surgery to look their best. And recently, we’ve learned one of those people is Britney Spears. The 32-year-old pop singer decided to open up about her cosmetic surgery past, admitting that she’s had lip injections.

Spears spoke with InStyle magazine recently to discuss her plastic surgery past and her current skin care regimen. She admitted she loves “skin car” and enjoys trying new brands of face wash and moisturizer. But the big reveal came when the blonde bombshell told the magazine she sees a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills who “does fun stuff to me sometimes.” And by “fun stuff,” Spears means lip injections.

Though Spears has been a household name in pop music since 1997, we’re surprised it’s taken her so many years to admit she’s had some work done. A few years back, there was speculation she had breast implants, but the rumors were never corroborated. Many say Spears had the augmentation surgery when she was just a teen with her mother’s consent and later had the implants removed when her natural breasts grew.

There has also been talk of Spears getting Rhinoplasty to thin out the shape of her nose, as well as liposuction after she gave birth to her two children. It’s understandable that Spears, as a celebrity, would want to conceal having plastic surgery. After all, many see her as inspiration, especially with getting quickly in shape after having two boys. But these days, the stigma behind plastic surgery has long been lifted.

Celebrities are more forthcoming about their cosmetic enhancements and with good reason. Not everyone can be blessed with a slim physique, perfect nose or large, supple breasts, and plastic surgery procedures can transform the body to reveal the aesthetic beauty that lies beneath.

Spears admitted to a minor treatment with the lip injections, which is actually one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available. Patients of all ages can benefit from Botox because it is non-permanent and gives the patient the opportunity to experiment with their appearance. If you are happy with the look the treatment has given you, simply come back for more injections every four to six months or so. If not, then the treatment will fade and no harm will have come from it.

The important thing to remember is that plastic surgery, no matter how minor, is a very personal decision. Spears seems to be very satisfied with her results, which look extremely natural. Anyone thinking of having a similar treatment can turn to NY plastic surgeon Dr. Leonard Grossman (who happens to have the most experience with use of Restylane and Juvederm fillers in the US) for the latest and most innovative injections and fillers that can provide youthful, rejuvenated results for both men and women.

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