“And I Ain’t Done Yet!” Dolly Parton on Plastic Surgery and Happiness

“And I Ain’t Done Yet!” Dolly Parton on Plastic Surgery and Happiness

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Richard Easterlin is part of a new field called happiness economics. Easterlin, who is an economist at the University of Southern California, explains that once society’s basic needs are met—food, shelter, work—the accumulation of wealth beyond these needs doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness. The small increase in happiness after you order that burger, buy a new cell phone, or get the new car, doesn’t, in fact, contribute to long-term joy, according to Easterlin’s studies. Easterlin’s research seems to suggest that money cannot buy happiness.

Yet, there seems to be one area where money might be able to buy a little happiness.

Another researcher discovered that there were two factors that actually had measurable and permanent effects on a person’s happiness. One of these factors was actually plastic surgery. In this case, spending a little money to have some work done can have a positive effect on long-term happiness.

Other factors that contribute to happiness are strong long-term relationships, a good job, good health, and leisure time. Plastic surgery can help people improve their relationships with their bodies and themselves, when it is performed by a skilled plastic surgeon and when the patients have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Dolly Parton, in a recent interview with Southern Living, seems to agree that plastic surgery can contribute to happiness.

“Ain’t no shame in the boob job game, if that’s what makes you happy,” she explained.

For years, Parton was asked whether she had gotten a boob job. And, for a short time, she denied having gotten work done. Eventually, she decided to become something of a poster child for plastic surgery. Now, she proudly discusses her plastic surgery habit, explaining that it can help people.

“If they ask me, I just say ‘Yeah, whatever. And I ain’t done yet,” Parton declared in her interview.

Parton also explained that she doesn’t consider herself a natural beauty.

“In the mornings, I gotta get up and paint on stuff . . . I’ve got to work for everything I’ve got.”

For some people, plastic surgery can improve self-esteem and be part of a normal and healthy beauty and self-improvement regimen.

If you think plastic surgery might improve your happiness and self-esteem, it is important to seek out an experienced plastic surgeon who is capable of performing a successful procedure.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a plastic surgeon who performs breast augmentations Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Grossman has been performing silicone breast implants under the F.D.A. guidelines since 1991. He has more experience working with silicone implants than most plastic surgeons combined.

Since he began performing the procedure, he has successfully completed over 5000 breast augmentations with very low complication rates. His rates are far below the national average.

Happiness following a surgery is highly contingent upon the quality and skill of the surgeon you choose. When you decide to have plastic surgery, you want experience and skill on your side. If you are interested in having plastic surgery, visit here to learn more about services and how you can book an initial consultation.

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