Plastic Surgery Research Determines Perfect Breast Shape

Plastic Surgery Research Determines Perfect Breast Shape

Woman holding dress on her hand | Plastic Surgery Research Determines Perfect Breast Shape at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

It’s a question many women ask their plastic surgeons prior to embarking on their plastic surgery journeys and it’s an ideal promoted by countless fashion magazines and movies: what is the perfect breast shape?

The September issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery seems to finally have given the world an answer. The ideal breast shape has an “upper pole to lower pole ratio of 45:55.” The determination of this ideal ratio by Dr. Patrick Mallucci and Dr. Oliver Alexandre Branford finally establishes a rubric of aesthetic preference for plastic surgeons consulting with their patients.

The researchers used a survey method where they showed photos of breasts to a sample of the general population. The researchers Photoshopped the breasts to change the proportions. Various proportions were tested. The 45:55 ratio is determined by where the nipple is positioned. 45% of the breast should be above the nipple, while the remaining 55% should be below. Over 1000 respondents were asked to comment on the attractiveness of the breasts. 90 percent of men identified breasts with this ratio as attractive and 87 percent of the women identified the 45:55 breast as attractive.

The ratio was also deemed more “natural-looking” by the respondents.

The study should help plastic surgeons discuss women’s goals in consultation prior to surgery. One surgeon remarked that some women want to have a fuller upper pole when a less full upper pole would actually look more attractive. When women want a full upper pole, they are often only thinking about how their breasts will look in clothing, while a doctor’s job is to take into account a patient’s goals along with aesthetic and health considerations.

Patients should always take the time to discuss their goals with their doctors. A skilled plastic surgeon can ensure that the final result looks attractive.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons explains that breast augmentation can increase the fullness and size of breasts, improve a patient’s self confidence, and create a more balanced figure. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reminds patients that breast augmentation will not correct saggy or drooped breasts. Oftentimes, a breast lift is performed in conjunction with a breast augmentation to correct for this.

It would be interesting to see how often the idealized 45:55 ratio appears in movies and magazines. Given the vast majority of respondents who chose this ratio, it seems to be socially and culturally promoted as aesthetically pleasing and many women opt for this look when they choose to undergo breast augmentation.

The surgery can provide women with the ideal look they have been dreaming about.

Of course, breast augmentation is not right for everyone. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons explains that the procedure is designed for people who are physically healthy, who have fully-developed breasts, who are unhappy about their breast size or shape, but who also have realistic expectations about what plastic surgery can do for them. Patients who plan to undergo plastic surgery should not be drinkers or smokers. Alcohol and cigarettes can delay recovery time.

Patients who elect to undergo breast augmentation surgery should seek a skilled plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. performs both silicone breast augmentations as well as breast augmentation with fat. Dr. Grossman has been performing silicone breast augmentation since 1995. If you’re interested in exploring how breast augmentation can help improve your figure, contact Dr. Grossman’s Brooklyn office today for an initial consultation.

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