A Brief History of Rhinoplasty

A Brief History of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, about half a million people every year seek out rhinoplasty—or plastic surgery for the nose. Individuals elect to have nasal plastic surgery for many reasons. Some seek out rhinoplasty to change the appearance of their nose and to improve their overall physical appearance. A small change to the shape of the nose can have a huge impact on a person’s overall appearance. Some seek out a nose job because of a disfiguring injury to the nose. Finally, some individuals undergo rhinoplasty to improve their breathing. A deviated septum is a condition in which the septum (the cartilage that divides the nose in half) is off center. This can lead to breathing problems. As many as 80% of people may have an off-center septum.

The nose job has existed for over 2,000 years. According to the Atlantic, rhinoplasty was first performed in India in the 6th century B.C. Yet, the procedure didn’t actually become popular until the 16th century in Europe when a syphilis epidemic led to a nose job rush. One of the outward marks of syphilis is destruction to nose tissue. Plastic surgeons in the 16th century would take tissue from a patient’s arm and use it to reconstruct a patient’s nose. Yet, it wasn’t until the Great War, where war injuries led to an increased acceptability of rhinoplasty and resulted in technological advancements in nasal plastic surgery.

The Atlantic notes that a person’s nose has often been used as a marker for social and cultural prestige and importance. Historically, noses have occupied many fables. There is the witch-like nose and the hawk-like nose. James Joyce famously characterized one of his protagonists in The Dubliners by describing her nose, a nose that seemed almost to touch her chin whenever she laughed, thus marring her even in her joy. There’s Pinocchio’s famous nose which grows whenever he lies. Large noses carry subtle social stigmas, whether we want to admit it or not. And, those who have undergone nose reductions can definitely attest to the impact that plastic surgery has had on their overall appearance, and on the ways that people perceive them.

In a highly competitive job market, where social profile images are all the more important, looking youthful and proportional can give individuals a quiet advantage when seeking work.

Rhinoplasty has been sought out by people of all ages through the centuries. Yet, how do you know if the procedure is right for you? The best candidates for rhinoplasty are those whose noses have reached their final adult size. Individuals should be healthy, non-smokers. Patients should have realistic expectations and should meet with a qualified plastic surgeon to understand risks, benefits, and to make a plan about how the new nose should be shaped.

A plastic surgeon works like a sculptor, making small improvements and changes. Often subtle improvements have the biggest impact. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a plastic surgeon in New York City who has been performing rhinoplasty for decades. If you are considering getting a nose job—the surgeon you choose matters. You want a surgeon who has been working in the field, staying up to date with advancements, and who will take the time to understand your needs. Contact Dr. Leonard Grossman today to learn more about your options and to begin your journey today.

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