How Can You Get a Six Pack Overnight With Lipoetching

How Can You Get a Six Pack Overnight With Lipoetching

Lipoetching | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

So you may have considered getting liposuction to remove some stubborn fat from your stomach, but perhaps you want something more than just a flat tummy. Sometimes, people exercise and eat healthy, but they never achieve the muscle definition they hoped for. The “six pack” is not easy to come by, and not many people can achieve it – even those who dedicate their lives to body building and weight training. But what if you didn’t have to slave away at the gym to have the abs you have always dreamed of. What if it’s as simple as one cosmetic procedure?

The New York plastic surgeon Dr. Leonard Grossman can give you the defined abs you have always wanted with a procedure he started to perform in 1995 and called Lipoetching. Also known as abdominal etching, Lipoetching is a form of liposuction in which a very small cannula is used to carve shapes out of the fat that overlies muscles anywhere on the body, while accentuating the muscle definition and creating an athletic and toned look. Imagine, in just one day, you can have the appearance of someone who has spent countless hours at the gym.

But Lipoetching can do far more than just give you a six pack, the procedure can be just as effective in other areas; it can create definition in the pectoral, deltoid, triceps, shoulder muscles or any other muscle group one wishes to stand out. It can even give you external oblique muscle definition. And the best part? The results are instant and permanent. Dr. Grossman takes great precision when performing a Lipoetching procedure, so you can rest assured you will have minimal to no tell tale signs or scarring. You won’t even need to wear a compression garment. You can show off your new, toned body in just a week.

Too good to be true? We think not. To see how Lipoetching can change your life, schedule a consultation with the New York cosmetic surgeon Dr. Grossman today.

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