Who Is A Good Candidate For Thigh Lift?

Who Is A Good Candidate For Thigh Lift?

Who Is A Good Candidate For Thigh Lift?

When you lose weight, especially in the thighs, you should find a way to make your legs look and feel smoother and more toned. Or you’re trying to find a solution to the sagging skin that develops on your thighs as you get older.

Some people find that a thigh lift is the best way to eliminate drooping skin on their thighs. If you have any previous health concerns or are not at your optimum weight, you should know that a thigh lift is a significant operation with various possible complications.

The life-altering nature of this procedure makes it imperative that you have as much information as possible before making a final decision. 

What Is A Thigh Lift?

Excess skin and fat on the thighs can be surgically removed by a thigh lift (thighplasty), an invasive cosmetic procedure.

After significant weight loss, many patients seek thigh lift surgery to help restore their legs’ natural contours. Some people had the operation done to finally feel confident in bathing suits, shorts, and trousers.

There are several variations of thigh lifts, each of which involves a unique incision pattern for removing excess skin and fat. Your healthcare practitioner will guide you in selecting the procedure that is most appropriate for you. The many thighs lift procedure available are described here.

Inner (medial) thigh lift

The most prevalent type of this operation is a medial thigh lift. The procedure involves an incision from the groin to the knee or the back of the leg to treat loose skin on the inner thighs.

Small-scale thigh lift

Mini thigh lifts are less invasive than total thigh lifts, but your surgeon must decide if you’re a good candidate for the procedure based on your specific demands. While other thigh lift procedures may involve several incisions, this must be done in the groin area. This is a superb way to do it if you only want to tone your inner thigh.

Vertical thigh lift

A vertical thigh lift is a good option if you have plenty of excess skin on your upper and lower thighs. It necessitates longer incisions that reach the patient’s knees. Your surgeon may advise against this thigh lift procedure if problems are a concern.

Lifting the outer (both) legs

An outer thigh lift targets sagging skin on the outer aspect of your thighs. This treatment involves incisions from the groin to the hip and lowers back.


In certain people, skin elasticity is deficient around the thighs. For optimal results, your surgeon may also propose liposuction with your thigh lift procedure to eliminate stubborn fat and tighten the skin.

Thigh Lift Procedure

Before a thigh lift procedure, patients must cease using blood thinners. Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin, and nutritional supplements all belong here. Your surgeon may recommend a medical checkup to ensure your overall health is adequate for surgery.

You will be completely sedated during the procedure. Your surgeon will make incisions in your thighs following your chosen thigh lift method. After any unnecessary fat or skin has been cut away, they will sew you back up.

It usually takes about 2 hours to complete the entire procedure. The procedure will only take a few hours, but the additional time needed for preparation and recovery will consume most of your day.


Your surgeon will apply dressings to your incisions before sending you home from surgery to reduce swelling. A tube may be placed to help remove the accumulated fluid and blood. These will need to be removed by your surgeon at a subsequent consultation.

Thigh lifts are considered substantial treatments and need time away from work for recovery, much like any other cosmetic surgery.

You will most likely suffer pain, bruising, and swelling for a few days following the treatment. You should immediately see a more defined outline of your thighs, but the full effects will only become apparent for a few months.

You should contact your doctor instantly if you have any increase in pain or if bleeding begins through stitches or bandages.


Planning your work schedule around your recovery time from thigh lift surgery is highly recommended. In addition, you shouldn’t do strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for at least six weeks after your treatment.

Keep your legs as elevated as possible, and in a few days, you can walk outside. The ankles will bulge as you begin to walk more.

Scarring from incisions done to remove fat from the thighs may remain after the healing process is complete. Scarring is unavoidable after every surgical procedure, but a skilled surgeon should be able to hide the scars well.

Are You A Good Candidate?

Consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon should be your first step in determining if you are a good candidate for the treatment. During your appointment with Dr. Leonard Grossman, you can discuss your health, medical history, and other relevant issues related to your age and body type.

But there are some things you may do ahead of time to figure out if you’re a good candidate for this surgery.

  • Stable Weight: Candidates who are at a steady weight for thigh lift surgery are preferred. Most patients who benefit from this surgery have sagging skin around the thighs after massive weight loss. It would be best to wait a specific time while keeping your current weight before this surgery. Skin tightening procedures are temporary and can be undone by gaining and then losing weight again.
  • Excess Soft Tissue: Patients seeking a thigh lift often have excess fat on either the outer (lateral) or inner (medial) thigh. Loose skin is not the only thing this treatment fixes; unwanted fat is also removed. When a lot of fat has to be removed, a thigh lift may be combined with liposuction.
  • Realistic Goals: If you’re considering thigh lift surgery, it’s critical to understand the procedure’s limitations accurately. However, there are times when more than a thigh lift can help you achieve your goals. In that case, you should get a body lift. A whole thigh and buttocks lift may be necessary for you.
  • Good Health: You need to be in good health all around to be a suitable candidate for a thigh lift. You should postpone this treatment if you are currently ill with an infection or in critical condition.


Contact our office and set up a consultation with Dr. Leonard Grossman to see if thigh lift surgery is correct for you. We want to give you the tools you need to lead a fulfilled, secure life through our procedures

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