Unlike the market, Tummy Tucks are on the rise!

Unlike the market, Tummy Tucks are on the rise!

Tummy Tucks | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Whatclinic.com  is calling Abdominoplasty “the standout treatment of 2015.” That’s based on new research reported this month by the healthcare website that reveals the most popular UK cosmetic treatments for 2015. The data is based on actual consumer inquiries from December 2014 to December 2015 for cosmetic procedures made by email to US clinics. This is what they found:

The healthcare search engine reports a 351% increase in inquiries for full abdominoplasty in the past year. That’s despite the high procedure cost, which averages $8,500 in the US, according to the site. Breast Augmentations were the most popular procedure for the second year in a row.

Dr. Grossman’s approach to Abdominoplasty is a rare find. His patients are able to drive themselves anywhere from the next day to two-weeks, as well as perform their daily tasks just as quickly. Many surgical techniques can be used, but the use of tumescent fluid appears to be instrumental in increasing the healing of the surgical site, according to one expert.  Many patients are drawn to Grossman’s technique because of the not just the fast recovery but also because he does not use drain tubes and no general anesthesia is ever used.

Abdominoplasty has come a long way from the day it was just called “Tummy Tuck”. There are several different types depending on which approach best suites your body type and goals such as: Brazilian Tuck, Mini Tuck, Full Tummy tuck and Endoscopic Assisted tummy tuck. Many patients combine Tummy Tucks with Liposuction, Breast Augmentation (TABA- transabdominal Breast Augmentation) and many other procedures so as to avoid additional scarring and recovery.

What steps do you take first? Even though Abdominoplasty is on the rise you should still go to a well-established and experienced Plastic Surgeon. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Grossman at your convenience by calling 212-585-2133 or thru the website www.drgrossman.com.

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