Thigh Lift in NYC
THIGH LIFT | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Thigh Lift in NYC

Thigh Lift or a leg lift is a procedure of choice for patients who have lost significant amount of weight either on their own or with help of Bariatric Surgery. In general, the inner thigh area starts to sag and rubbing of skin causes a great deal of discomfort as well as irritation in the individual who is afflicted. The procedure that addresses this condition is called a thigh lift which is used in patients with poor skin tone.

In individuals whose skin has mild to moderately poor skin tone a procedure called J-Plasma or Renuvion can possibly replace the need for a thigh lift. (please see a page on J-Plasma)

The bottom line of a thigh lift is, removal of excess skin and fat, tightening the layer of fascia immediately over the muscle and redraping the remaining skin and fat for a tighter and better proportioned appearance.

Dr. Grossman combines liposuction for optimal results and never uses drain tubes (since they are the main source of infection and discomfort). The procedure is approximately 2 hours long. There is no need for compression garments after the surgery. Discomfort is mild and Advil usually suffices.

The recovery is individualized, but as a rule there is little or no postoperative pain and the patients can ambulate immediately. You are allowed to shower the next day and drive within days after the procedure.

The price of the thigh lift depends on the patients medical history, current weight and the amount of estimated time needed for optimal results of the procedure.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Grossman please call 212-585-2133

Before After

Clinics in New York City are offering blepharoplasty surgery to help treat eye conditions, helping patients to regain their natural looks and get their confidence back. Blepharoplasty has an enormous impact on our patient’s well-being since the eyes really are the windows to the soul and balancing features of the face and through the effects of the surgery help bring improved proportions back and significantly alter the whole look of an individual’s facial structure.

Blepharoplasty surgery is an innovative eye treatment that can treat both upper and lower lids. Whether you have excess skin or fat around your eyes our NY clinic can help you feel your best again.

Before blepharoplasty NYC patients often complained of excess skin on their upper lids and/or excess fat on the under eye area. The aim at Dr. Grossman’s clinic is to remove both of these conditions in the least invasive way possible in order to avoid or minimise any scarring. One such benefit of the treatment is the minimal discomfort felt after the procedure. Patients reporting no or minimal discomfort are able to go about their day with the use of mild painkillers such as Tylenol. Patients can quickly return to their lives as usual, not feeling self-conscious about just having had an eyelift surgery.

Blepharoplasty eyelid lift surgery before and after pictures show how the excess skin or fat has been removed while also making any necessary repairs to the muscle and tightening the area. In addition, if your aim of having surgery is to re-balance and bring your face back into proportion, then you can easily have other procedures such as fat grafting carried out in the facial and neck area alongside the blepharoplasty treatment at our NYC clinic.

Blepharoplasty, also known as an eye lift, is a procedure that addresses upper and/or lower eyelid problems. The problems with eye lids may be of genetic or hereditary origin, associated with illness or just plain process of aging. In most cases for the upper lids, the excess skin is removed. If excess fat is present, it too may be removed and the muscle may be tightened and repaired. The procedure is relatively painless and produces a better defined upper eye lid crease with minimal scarring.

In lower lid surgery, it is the bags under the eyes that are most commonly addressed. These fatty deposits can be either removed through the inside of the eye lid with no visible scarring at all or in conjunction with lower eyelid skin tightening procedure at the same time. Scarring is minimal and not readily visible.

Both eye lid procedures are done with minimal or no post-operative discomfort and have a relatively short recuperative period. Either procedure produces better balance and proportions to the eye area.

Blepharoplasty can be combined with a face lift, neck lift or fat grafting procedures which further lead to improved balance and better proportions. There is rarely any discomfort after blepharoplasty and the great majority of our patients return to work if they want to the very next day.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, one of world’s most respected and renowned plastic surgeons, is ready to talk with you and answer all of your questions.

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