Male Tummy Tuck Becoming More Popular

Male Tummy Tuck Becoming More Popular

A Man getting ready for Tummy Tuck treatment | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

The media often spotlights female celebrities who have undergone the tummy tuck procedure. Tara Reid, Donatella Versace, Shar Jackson, and Patricia Heaton have all admitted to going under the knife to have tummy tucks performed, Ranker reports. Women have tummy tucks for a variety of reasons, including to restore their bodies to a  pre-baby look following pregnancy.

Increasingly, tummy tucks are not for ladies alone. For men who have lost a lot of weight, in many cases, a tummy tuck is the only way for men to get rid of excess fat and skin that exercise and diet alone cannot eliminate. One man admitted on The Doctors talk show that he was so embarrassed about his appearance that he wore his shirt when he and his wife were intimate.

There is no reason for men to avoid a tummy tuck procedure, especially if they have already lost weight with the help of diet and exercise or bariatric surgery (weight loss procedure).

Yet, a tummy tuck for a man is somewhat different from tummy tucks performed on women. In cases where men have lost a great deal of weight, excess skin will be removed during a tummy tuck procedure. In many cases, the pubic area will need to be lifted in order to create a more balanced look. Even the muscle repair is somewhat different in a man.

In general the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is a patient who is already at his or her ideal weight, but who has areas of fat or skin that normal diet and exercise will not naturally eliminate. Men often will seek tummy tucks in order to have a flatter, more defined stomach and of course no overhanging skin that’s shaped like an apron.  

In order to prepare for a tummy tuck procedure patients should quit smoking at least four weeks before the procedure takes place. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and it can also slow down the healing process. Having nicotine withdrawals can be almost as harmful since it causes a chemical imbalance. Patients should also purchase loose, comfortable clothing like a sweat suit.

Every surgery has risks. Tummy tuck surgery, like any other surgery has the risks of prolonged swelling, infection, bleeding, or blood clots. There can also be the risk of poor scarring.

It is important for patients to maintain healthy lifestyles following a tummy tuck procedure.

Men who think that they may be candidates for the tummy tuck procedure should consult with a skilled plastic surgeon in order to discuss their options. During an initial consultation, your surgeon will discuss your aesthetic goals and provide advice about different options you might have. It is important to seek out a plastic surgeon with experience. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a skilled plastic surgeon in Brooklyn, NY who performs tummy tuck procedures. Dr. Leonard Grossman has years of experience helping patients achieve the bodies they desire without the complications that many patients dread. Dr. Grossman’s approach allows his patients not feel the stress of surgery and his patients never require use of drains, which frequently snag and create discomfort. Worst of all they may lead to infections. Dr. Grossman’s patients usually drive a car less than a week after tummy tuck surgery. That’s why experience counts as it does with any surgery.

Finding a doctor who has a clear aesthetic sense, who understands how to mitigate the risks of surgery is essential for patients who are making the decision to have a tummy tuck. You may contact Dr. Leonard Grossman’s office today to learn about how you can achieve the body of your dreams.

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