
In the News

Doctor giving injections to beautiful lady | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

03/19/2016 – J-Plasma procedure by
Dr. Leonard Grossman

Brooklyn, New York   December 19, 2016

After  2 years of treating patients under experimental conditions, Dr. Leonard Grossman has been selected by Bovie Medical as the first and only provider in NYC to offer advanced skin resurfacing treatments with the J-Plasma device or, as Dr. Grossman calls it, the “Tesla Resurfacer”.

With this innovative technology, Dr. Grossman is now able to entirely eliminate wrinkles, uneven coloring, laxity and many additional signs of aging skin, while significantly reducing the recovery period.  “This is the newest and by far the most remarkable and simply the best way to offer patients new, baby like skin,” commented Dr. Grossman…Continue Reading Here.

Girl holding her breast | Get Breast Augmentation at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

03/10/2011 – Simply the best Breast Augmentation

The ideal, scar less breast augmentation with the fewest complications than any other method of breast augmentation.

Portrait of Girl standing with Big butt | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

02/16/2011 – Brazilian Buttocks

Woman getting Breast Augmentation treatment | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

02/10/2011 – Breast Augmentation with Stem Cells and Fat

Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting is nothing short of revolutionary, offering patients the ability to have beautiful, well proportioned breasts without the pain and scars associated with traditional Augmentation Surgery. Fat Transfer has been proven to offer permanent result in the hands of experienced doctors such as Dr. Grossman, who has performed this procedure on hundreds of patients since 1996.

Lauren had always been insecure about her small breasts, yet she stayed away from having breast implants with silicone gel, when she decided to embark on an increasingly popular form of cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation with fat. As Lauren has found out, fat cells obtained in a specialized way contain more stem cells than bone marrow and these very same stem cells support the longevity of the fat that has been placed in to the breast tissue.

Breast augmentation with fat is designed to add structure, volume and shape to the breasts through the use liposuctioned fat cells that are transferred from other areas on the body.

While silicone breast implants have sparked some controversy regarding the risk of infection and a number of diseases associated them, the fat cell transfer is typically safe, effective, immediate and lasting in results. Silicone breast implants have shown to have significantly more complications including severe infection, capsular contracture, bleeding, implant exposure and moving or shifting of the implants.

Lauren’s surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman claims that he has been performing Fat Grafting or Transfer for Breast Augmentation since 1995 and the “demand for the procedure has been skyrocketing”. The patient, once embarrassed to be discovered of having breast implants and scars that were obtained as a results of surgery, can now be back on her feet and wearing a bra the same day as her surgery.

Typically, Dr. Grossman’s patients experience minimal postoperative discomfort and go out dining the same evening on the day of surgery. There have been no cases of infection, loss of sensation or bleeding in Dr. Grossman’s experience.

If you have questions or concerns regarding Breast Augmentation surgery with Fat, contact a cosmetic surgeon, who has performed at least 2 dozen of such procedures.

A Girl walking on street | Get Calf Augmentation with Fat Grafting at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

01/27/2011 – Calf Augmentation with Fat

Calf Augmentation with Fat Grafting is nothing short of revolutionary, offering patients the ability to have beautiful, well proportioned legs without the pain and scars associated with traditional Calf Augmentation Surgery. Fat Transfer has been proven to offer permanent result in the hands of experienced doctors such as Dr. Grossman, who has performed this procedure on hundreds of patients since 1996.

Cosmetic Surgery Expands its Horizons. Sheila Simmons of New York had always been insecure about her disproportionately thin calf muscles before she decided to embark on an increasingly popular form of cosmetic surgery, calf augmentation. Calf augmentation is designed to add structure and shape to the calf through silicone implants or liposuctioned fat cells that are transferred from other areas of the body. While silicone implants have sparked some controversy regarding the risk of infection, the fat cell transfer is typically safe, effective, immediate and lasting in results. Silicone calf implants have shown to have significantly more complications including severe infection and moving implants. Sheila’s surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman claims that he performs roughly two-dozen calf implants each year on men and women who are unhappy with their leg proportionality. The patient, once too self-conscious to wear a skirt and other leg-exposing attire, was back on her feet and wearing a skirt on the same day of her surgery.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, one of world’s most respected and renowned plastic surgeons, is ready to talk with you and answer all of your questions.

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