How Did Face Injections in Your 20’s Become So Trendy?

How Did Face Injections in Your 20’s Become So Trendy?

Beauty injections | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

To blame: Dermal Filler, a substance injected into or under the skin to smooth lines and boost volume.  Celebrities such as the Kardashians have created a new craze, and many, especially younger people think that because they are on T.V. they are all pretty and sexy; Dr. Grossman thinks they are anything but that. Grossman says “They looked normal, maybe not that attractive when they were young before any plastic intervention. Now they definitely don’t look normal; their lips and faces are swollen and almost alien appearing. Buttocks are completely out or proportioned to the rest of their bodies”. While FDA-approved fillers have been available and used predominantly by women over 40 since 1981, they now have a fan club among those who need them least — women in their teens and early 20s. According to stats from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, filler usage among twentysomethings has spiked by nearly one-third since 2009 to more than 64,000 procedures in 2014. While injections aren’t surgery, they can be painful … and pricey. So what’s the appeal? “Celebrities, Celebrities, Celebrities” are the cause according to Dr. Leonard Grossman New York Plastic Surgeon.

The New Face of Filler

“The people who are coming to see me for Dermal Fillers and or Botox now can be as young as 18,”says  Grossman. He also states that it is a job of a professional to guide the patient as to what looks best for them and not let them be influenced by the extreme superficial looks of the Kardashians. “Stop following these horrible trends”, Dr. Grossman advises his patients against making mistakes that they will later on in life regret or look funny rather than sexy.

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“Young women in my office constantly ask for  “lips like Kylie Jenner’s,'” says Grossman.

Like glossy hair or perfect abs, these hyper-smooth, sexualized features are seen as aspirational. And now, they’re increasingly accessible.

When Did Needles Become NBD?

One of the biggest reasons for fillers’ popularity: ubiquity.”There are more FDA-approved fillers on the market than ever,” says Grossman.

To Dr. Grossman, going to anyone other than a professional, experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist for injectables is “about as wise as seeing me if you’re having a heart attack.” Last year, the FDA issued an alert about soft-tissue fillers. If they’re improperly injected, potential side effects can be blindness and stroke, among others.

“Dentists, ob-gyns, other medical professionals and even non-medical spas, nail and hair salons are offering fillers because they see how lucrative it can be,” he says, but this is dangerous, unsafe and this unprofessionalism. The lack of regulations can make lifetime inerasable mistakes on your face.

In the right hands, fillers are generally safe and increasingly less of a commitment. Today, most fillers are made with hyaluronic acid (HA),a natural compound that usually dissolves between 6 and 12 months and Dr. Leonard Grossman has been using these fillers the most and the longest in the USA since his experimental work with HA’s since the late 80’s.

Contact our office (212) 585-2133 Manhattan to book your dermal filler and/or Botox appointment.


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