Fat Transfer and Facial Rejuvenation in NYC

Fat Transfer and Facial Rejuvenation in NYC

Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Grafting is also known as Fat Lift or a procedure in which the face is revolumized to its once youthful appearance.

Dr. Leonard Grossman is one of the first few Plastic Surgeons in the world and possibly the first Plastic Surgeon in New York who replaced standard face lifting procedure with a procedure called Fat Grafting or Fat Transfer, as well as Fat Lift since 1993. With hundreds of satisfied patients, whose lives and vitality have been complimented with natural youthful looks by restoring their faces to the original proportions and appearance from decades earlier.

It has been a long lasting belief of Dr. Grossman’s, that faces appear older because of deflation or loss of fat in the face as the person ages. A major reason for sudden aging of the face is related to a loss of large amount of weight secondary to dietary or exercise changes, as well as chronic and serious illness or significant stress.

Aging of the face, in Dr. Grossman opinion does not involve stretched muscles or skin ligaments (the old theory). In the contrary, just like all the muscles in the body, facial muscles contract and stiffen with age.

Dr. Grossman does not think that gravity plays a major role in the aging process. If you were to look at your own photographs today and from twenty years earlier you would notice something that can only be called “deflation of the face” or loss of volume.

If this makes sense to you, why would anyone decide to undergo a procedure in which the muscles of the face are re positioned and tightened, skin pulled back producing the wind tunneled look; result of a typical face lift procedure.

Girl getting facial treatment | Fat Transfer and Facial Rejuvenation at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York
A beautiful girl getting beauty treatment | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

Only in patients who have lost 40 lbs. or more, there is usually excess skin present, necessitating removal of excess skin, otherwise known as a  face lift. This face lift can be performed together with a structural fat transfer procedure in New York City, (explained below) which produces the most natural and “relaxed” facial rejuvenation result.

In patients who have been at the same weight throughout their lifetime, a face lift is not necessary, as it is not going to produce the result which is going to resemble the same person, when he or she was younger; instead, this person is simply going to look pulled.

Since 1993 Dr. Grossman has been performing  Fat Transfer in Brooklyn  in order to rejuvenate faces of both, men and women.

The procedure involves going over the photographs of the same patient, when they were much younger, usually between the ages of 16 to 29. Dr. Grossman will discuss changes that have occurred since that time and together with you he will arrive to a plan as to where you need more volume added in order to look younger and natural at the same time. This does not mean that you are going to look 18 after the procedure, but it does mean that you will look considerably more youthful and relaxed at the same time and resemble the same “you” at a much younger age.

On the day of the fat transfer procedure in New York City,  your face will be marked and areas of fat harvest will be marked as well. While under twilight sleep, the fat will be removed from the most stubborn areas using a special blunt needle and a syringe. The fat will then be processed in order to assure the viability of as many fat and stem cells as possible. The processed fat will be then transferred to another kind of syringes, which in turn will be used to deliver or inject the viable fat cells  and stem cells where needed on the face or the neck.


Injections for beauty treatments | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York
Injections for operations done by surgeons | Fat transfer treatment at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

The average time for the whole procedure of Lipofilling is about 2 hours. The recovery is extremely easy in the way that there is no post-operative pain and normal physical activities may be resumed just days after the procedure. There may be minimal bruising, even though uncommon in Dr. Grossman’s hands, but that will resolve: faster in some, slower in others, but rarely more than one to two weeks.

There is always some swelling present after the procedure and that can last anywhere from as little as one week to as long as six weeks depending on the individual’s healing capacity.

Results of fat transfer are very long lasting if not permanent; the fat should behave in the same way as it did in the area where it was removed from.

Most patients look better after 10 and even 20 years following Fat Transfer (Fat Lift) procedure than they did prior to surgery.

Before After

Dr. Leonard Grossman, one of world’s most respected and renowned plastic surgeons, is ready to talk with you and answer all of your questions.

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