Cosmetic Surgery & Dr. Grossman

Beautiful girl with bright skin | Get Cosmetic Surgery at Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

Both women and men around the globe turn to plastic surgery when they wish to improve  or enhance an area on their body they are not 100% content with. Plastic surgery in NYC is at an all-time high, with individuals of all ages and backgrounds requesting an array of different procedures, from invasive to non-invasive. Though a large number of patients seek cosmetic surgery solely for aesthetic purposes, what many don’t realize is that an increasing number of patients are hoping to improve a medical condition through their sought out treatments.

Procedures like Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, and even Botox have been around for many years, but it’s only recently that the medical benefits of cosmetic surgery are being highlighted. Known as reconstructive plastic surgery, these treatments offer a chance to reduce painful symptoms along with increasing an individual’s self esteem. Let’s explore these benefits in greater detail.

Medical Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery Treatments

Nearly every cosmetic surgery procedure can provide medical and health benefits to patients. Rhinoplasty, for example, can not only improve the symmetry and balance between a patient’s facial features, but it can also make a world of difference for patients suffering from poor air movement or breathing as in displaced nasal bones after a nasal fracture or enlarged turbinates. The surgery will allow these patients to breathe easier and stop suffering from congestion, sinus pain and being tired easily while exercising. The same applies to patients with Rhinophyma a condition of soft tissue overgrowth which interferes with not only the aesthetic appearance but with collapse of the nose and difficulty breathing.

Studies have shown that Scarless Breast Reduction by Liposuction Surgery , one of the procedures performed  by  Dr. Grossman, has numerous benefits. The treatment can reduce back, neck and shoulder pain associated with the weight of large breasts, improve circulation, decrease stress on shoulder and improve breast skin, among several others.

Liposuction, which in patients eliminates excess fat that has not responded to traditional and healthy diet or exercise, has been shown to reduce high blood pressure and heart disease associated with excess amounts of body fat. Not only does the procedure result in a much improved physique, but it may allow patients who have been struggling with heart disease the opportunity to regain their health.

Patients with weaker calf muscles after injury or illness report regained increase in strength and balance after calf augmentation using Fat Stem Cell Transfer which provides patients with stronger, new muscle bulk.

Even Botox, a popular treatment which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, has numerous health benefits. Botox injections have been shown to reduce migraine and tension headache symptoms and is now FDA approved for migraine treatment. Botox has also been effectively administered to reduce excessive sweating and arthritis symptoms, used to treat overactive bladder issues, improve mobility in stroke patients, and has even been used with patients suffering from multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries to reduce painful symptoms. Dr. Grossman also uses Botox as a non-invasive reduction of large Masseter Muscles (muscles of chewing which create wide faces) for facial slimming and excessively large calves, particularly in Asian patients. Patients who receive complete facial treatments by Dr. Grossman claim to feel less stress in life and appear less likely to be depressed.

These days, plastic surgery offers not only cosmetic benefits, but endless medical improvements for patients suffering from a wide range of symptoms. If you have considered treating a condition with a surgical, minimally invasive or non-invasive cosmetic procedure, Dr. Leonard Grossman is here to help you. With decades of experience treating patients seeking both aesthetic and health benefits, Dr. Grossman is the plastic surgeon in NYC to turn to for exceptional results.

Contact Dr. Grossman today to schedule a consultation and determine which procedure is best for your individual needs.


Dr. Leonard Grossman, one of world’s most respected and renowned plastic surgeons, is ready to talk with you and answer all of your questions.

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