Breast  Augmentation with Silicone Gel in NYC
BREAST AUGMENTATION | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Breast Augmentation with Silicone Gel

Breast implants in NYC with Silicone (Memory) Gel Implants is one of the procedures that the New York Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman has been performing none-stop, under the FDA Guidelines, despite the fact that a moratorium was placed on this procedure in 1991 for the great majority of Plastic Surgeons in the US.

Dr. Grossman was one of the select few Plastic Surgeons in the United States, who was allowed to proceed with research and development of the New Silicone Breast Implants.

As you may have gathered, Dr. Grossman has amassed more experience with Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation than many plastic surgeons combined.

Since 1995, Dr. Grossman has performed over 7,000 breast procedures with complication rates well below the national average. In fact we have not had a single case of infection, when the national hospital average is near 19%. Much success is due to the approach and techniques that are unique to Dr. Grossman’s treatment.

BREAST AUGMENTATION | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Breast Augmentation with Silicone Gel In NYC

Breast implants in NYC with Silicone (Memory) Gel Implants is one of the procedures that the New York Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Leonard Grossman has been performing none-stop, under the FDA Guidelines, despite the fact that a moratorium was placed on this procedure in 1991 for the great majority of Plastic Surgeons in the US.
Dr. Grossman was one of the select few Plastic Surgeons in the United States, who was allowed to proceed with research and development of the New Silicone Breast Implants.
As you may have gathered, Dr. Grossman has amassed more experience with Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation than many plastic surgeons combined.
Since 1995, Dr. Grossman has performed over 8,000 breast procedures with complication rates well below the national average. In fact, we have NOT had a single case of infection when the national hospital average is near 19%. Much success is due to the approach and techniques that are unique to Dr. Grossman’s treatment.

When treated by Dr. Grossman, patient can frequently go out for dinner the same day as her surgery, go to work the next day and be able to start working out in the gym in about 5 days.

What is Silicone Gel filled implant? Today’s breast implants are made from a solid, yet thin silicone outer shell, which can be filled with just about anything, but under the FDA guidelines these implants can be filled with Saline (physiologic solution of salt water, just like the IV fluids) or some form of silicone in a cohesive gel form.

The New Silicone Gel is considered to have memory, because even when cut, the implant does not lose shape or volume, i.e. the implant will stay intact even when its shell is torn up.

The Cohesive, Form Stable Silicone Breast Implants were first available in Europe (now available world-wide) and can be useful for a certain group of patients; however, because they are naturally much firmer, Dr. Grossman does not favor them, since they do not feel anything like a natural breast should, but that’s just an opinion and some doctors use these types of implants.

Silicone Gel Breast Implants come in two main forms: smooth and textured surface. There are different indications for each, but the smooth surface implants provide better results for the majority of patients in Dr. Grossman’s opinion and are less palpable when the breast is being touched. The textured Breast Implants have been associated with rare forms of cancer and have never been used or recommended by Dr. Grossman.

Breast Implants can also be round or teardrop shaped. Round implants are a better choice for the majority of patients because they are teardrop shaped when a woman is standing and flatter when lying down, just like a natural breast. Teardrop implants look the same no matter the position of the woman.

What are the advantages and why should someone choose the silicone breast implant over the saline implant?

1. Even when ruptured, the silicone implant does not deflate and the shape of the breast is maintained. 2. In a person who tolerates the silicone well and their body creates minimal foreign body reaction, their breast will feel very soft and natural with little to suggest of a breast augmentation. 3. A person who must have incisions made on the breasts for any reason, as in a breast lift, breast revision or breast reconstruction. This person may as well give this implant a chance and hope for a great outcome.

What are the disadvantages of the silicone breast implants as compared to saline implant?

1. Because all gel implants are prefilled, they are naturally much larger than the empty saline implants, therefore silicone and memory gel breast implants require a larger incision on the breast for placement.

2. Because of its large size, the silicone implant cannot be placed scarlessly, i.e. transumbilically (through the belly button, umbilicus or navel). The only time the incision on the breast can be avoided is when a Tummy Tuck is being done simultaneously with breast augmentation and the breasts are augmented through the Tummy Tuck incision or the surgeon chooses a trans-axillary (arm pit) approach.

3. Because there is natural, minimal extravasations of the gel material through the outer shell, some patients are at an increased risk for Capsular Contracture Formation (scar tissue around the implants that make the breast feel very hard and sometimes painful or even deformed).

4. The patients with silicone gel implants must undergo MRI evaluation of the breast every three years to determine if there is a silent break in the implant shell, since most leaks and tears in the gel implants cannot be detected on physical examination. The MRI of this type may not be covered by health insurance and can be quite expensive.

5. Some patients with gel implants will form Inflammatory Granulomas in the breast tissue (tumor like masses that are benign, yet need to be surgically explored to rule out cancer.

6. Because the incision for the gel implant is usually made on the breast, the size of the implant used in the first time augmentation is limited. If too large an implants is used, the wound on the breast may be under too much tension to heal well and can result in stretched out scars or even implant exposure.

7. The cost of silicone gel implant itself is significantly greater than saline (approximately 4 times more expensive), making the overall surgical price higher.

8. According to the FDA there is a connection between silicone gel implants and rare immunologic disorders.

How is the surgery performed?

After you have met with Dr. Grossman, had your preoperative consultation and decided on the size of the implant, you will come to our Joint Commission Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facility, where the doctor will mark your chest for surgery. The staff nurse or anesthesiologist will take your vitals and make sure everything is set for a smooth “flight”. In the operating room, you will be placed on a warm operating table and be covered with a nice, warm blanket as well. An intravenous will be started and after you fall gently asleep, Dr. Grossman will infiltrate the operative site with local anesthesia. This will in turn make your procedure more comfortable and practically painless after everything is finished and you wake up.

The surgical time is approximately 30 to 60 minutes, with most of the breast implants being placed under the Pectoralis  Muscles (muscle of the chest).

Throughout the whole procedure you will be pain and anxiety free, breathing on your own and without a tube in your lungs as is typical in the hospital setting.

When you wake up, you will most likely be smiling and very happy after you look in the mirror, which will be brought in for your approval. With our wonderful anesthesia, you will not be cold or nauseous. In fact you will be wide awake in just minutes and some 5 minutes later we will give you a cup of tea to quench your thirst. You will recover in the same room where your surgery had been performed and your family will be able to stay at your side. Some 20 or 30 minutes later you should be able to leave the room and go home.

The next day NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Grossman will see you and all the dressings will come off. You will be allowed to take regular showers and resume your near normal life style. Most patients are allowed to wear a regular bra within one to seven days after surgery.

You will see Dr. Grossman a few more times after your surgery, after which you will only come in for your yearly follow up exams.

For more information or to set up a consultation with Dr. Grossman, please call 212-585-2133

When treated by Dr. Grossman, patient can frequently go out for dinner the same day as her surgery, go to work the next day and be able to start working out in the gym in about 5 days.
What is Silicone Gel filled implant? Today’s breast implants are made from a solid, yet thin silicone outer shell, which can be filled with just about anything, but under the FDA guidelines these implants can be filled with Saline (physiologic solution of salt water, just like the IV fluids) or some form of silicone in a cohesive gel form.
91+The New Silicone Gel is considered to have memory, because even when cut, the implant does not lose shape or volume, i.e., G []\the implant will stay intact even when its shell is torn up.
The Cohesive, Form Stable Silicone Breast Implants were first available in Europe (now available world-wide) and can be useful for a certain group of patients.
Silicone Gel Breast Implants come in two main forms: smooth and textured surface. There are different indications for each, but the smooth surface implants provide better results for most of the patients in Dr. Grossman’s opinion and are less palpable when the breast is being touched. The textured Breast Implants have been associated with rare forms of cancer and have never been used or recommended by Dr. Grossman. Some of the breast implant manufacturers are recalling many of their textured breast implants.
Breast Implants can also be round, or teardrop shaped. Round implants are a better choice for the majority of patients because they are teardrop shaped when a woman is standing and flatter when lying down, just like a natural breast. Teardrop implants look the same no matter the position of the woman, which is NOT natural.
What are the advantages and why should someone choose the silicone breast implant over the saline implant?
1. Even when ruptured, the silicone implant does not deflate, and the shape of the breast is maintained. 2. In a person who tolerates the silicone well and their body creates minimal foreign body reaction, their breast will feel very soft and natural with little to suggest of a breast augmentation. 3. A person who must have incisions made on the breasts for any reason, as in a breast lift, breast revision or breast reconstruction. This person may as well give this implant a chance and hope for a great outcome at the hands of a good surgeon.
What are the disadvantages of the silicone breast implants as compared to saline implant?
1. Because all gel implants are prefilled, they are naturally much larger than the empty saline implants, therefore all silicone and memory gel breast implants require a larger incision on the breast for placement.
2. Because of its large size, the silicone implant cannot be placed scarlessly, i.e., trans umbilically (through the belly button, umbilicus, or navel). The only time the incision on the breast can be avoided is when a Tummy Tuck is being done simultaneously with breast augmentation and the breasts are augmented through the Tummy Tuck incision or the surgeon chooses a trans-axillary (arm pit) approach.
3. Because there are natural, microscopic extravasations of the gel material through the outer shell, some patients are at an increased risk for Capsular Contracture Formation (scar tissue around the implants that make the breast feel very hard and sometimes painful or even deformed). The same group of patients are more susceptible to the Breast Implant Illness (BII).
4. The patients with silicone gel implants must undergo MRI evaluation of the breast approximately every three years to determine if there is a silent break in the implant shell, since most leaks and tears in the memory gel implants are difficult to detected on physical examination. The MRI of this type may not be covered by health insurance and can be quite expensive.
5. Some patients with gel implants will form Inflammatory Granulomas in the breast tissue (tumor like masses that are benign yet need to be surgically explored to rule out cancer. This is one of the presentations of the BII.
6. Because the incision for the gel implant is usually made on the breast, the size of the implant used in the first-time augmentation is limited. If too large of an implant is used, the wound on the breast may be under too much tension to heal well and can result in stretched out scars or even implant exposure.
7. The cost of the silicone gel implant itself is significantly greater than saline (approximately 4 times more expensive), making the overall cost of surgery is higher.
8. According to the FDA there is a connection between silicone gel implants and rare immunologic disorders.
How is the surgery performed?
After you have met with Dr. Grossman, had your preoperative consultation, and decided on the size of the implant, you will come to our Ambulatory Surgical Facility where the doctor will mark your chest for surgery. The staff nurse or anesthesiologist will take your vitals and make sure everything is set for a smooth “flight”. By the way, if desired, the procedure can be done under local anesthesia only with most patients saying there was NO pain, but they felt like a deep massage. In the operating room, you will be placed on a warm operating table and be covered with a nice, warm blanket as well. An intravenous will be started and after you fall gently asleep, Dr. Grossman will infiltrate the operative site with local anesthesia. This will in turn make your procedure more comfortable and practically painless after everything is finished and you wake up.
The surgical time is approximately 30 to 60 minutes, with most of the breast implants being placed under the Pectoralis Muscles (muscle of the chest).
Throughout the whole procedure you will be pain and anxiety free, breathing on your own and without a tube in your lungs as is typical in a hospital setting.
When you wake up, you will most likely be smiling and very happy after you look in the mirror, which will be brought in for your approval. With our wonderful combination anesthesia, you will not be cold or nauseous. In fact, you will be wide awake immediately or in just minutes and some 5 minutes later we will give you a cup of tea to quench your thirst. You will recover in the same room where your surgery had been performed and your family will be able to stay at your side. Some 20 or 30 minutes later you should be able to leave the room and go home.
The next day NYC plastic surgeon, Dr. Grossman will see you and all the dressings will come off. You will be allowed to take regular showers and resume your near normal lifestyle. Most patients are allowed to wear a regular bra within one to seven days after surgery.
You will see Dr. Grossman a few more times after your surgery and later you will only come in for your yearly follow up exams.
For more information or to set up a consultation with Dr. Grossman, please call 212-585-2133

Before After

Clinics in New York City are offering blepharoplasty surgery to help treat eye conditions, helping patients to regain their natural looks and get their confidence back. Blepharoplasty has an enormous impact on our patient’s well-being since the eyes really are the windows to the soul and balancing features of the face and through the effects of the surgery help bring improved proportions back and significantly alter the whole look of an individual’s facial structure.

Blepharoplasty surgery is an innovative eye treatment that can treat both upper and lower lids. Whether you have excess skin or fat around your eyes our NY clinic can help you feel your best again.

Before blepharoplasty NYC patients often complained of excess skin on their upper lids and/or excess fat on the under eye area. The aim at Dr. Grossman’s clinic is to remove both of these conditions in the least invasive way possible in order to avoid or minimise any scarring. One such benefit of the treatment is the minimal discomfort felt after the procedure. Patients reporting no or minimal discomfort are able to go about their day with the use of mild painkillers such as Tylenol. Patients can quickly return to their lives as usual, not feeling self-conscious about just having had an eyelift surgery.

Blepharoplasty eyelid lift surgery before and after pictures show how the excess skin or fat has been removed while also making any necessary repairs to the muscle and tightening the area. In addition, if your aim of having surgery is to re-balance and bring your face back into proportion, then you can easily have other procedures such as fat grafting carried out in the facial and neck area alongside the blepharoplasty treatment at our NYC clinic.

Blepharoplasty, also known as an eye lift, is a procedure that addresses upper and/or lower eyelid problems. The problems with eye lids may be of genetic or hereditary origin, associated with illness or just plain process of aging. In most cases for the upper lids, the excess skin is removed. If excess fat is present, it too may be removed and the muscle may be tightened and repaired. The procedure is relatively painless and produces a better defined upper eye lid crease with minimal scarring.

In lower lid surgery, it is the bags under the eyes that are most commonly addressed. These fatty deposits can be either removed through the inside of the eye lid with no visible scarring at all or in conjunction with lower eyelid skin tightening procedure at the same time. Scarring is minimal and not readily visible.

Both eye lid procedures are done with minimal or no post-operative discomfort and have a relatively short recuperative period. Either procedure produces better balance and proportions to the eye area.

Blepharoplasty can be combined with a face lift, neck lift or fat grafting procedures which further lead to improved balance and better proportions. There is rarely any discomfort after blepharoplasty and the great majority of our patients return to work if they want to the very next day.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, one of world’s most respected and renowned plastic surgeons, is ready to talk with you and answer all of your questions.

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