Breast Augmentation Surgeon in New York: What is the Ideal Breast Shape?

Breast Augmentation Surgeon in New York: What is the Ideal Breast Shape?

Breast Augmentation | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

If you’re considering breast augmentation in New York City, there are many factors to consider. Under the muscle or over the muscle placement, size, shape, the type of implant you choose, and the method of surgery will vary depending on your needs and aesthetic goals. But what is the ideal breast shape, and how can breast augmentation help you achieve it.

British researchers recently surveyed 1,300 men and women and asked them to pick out the ideal breast shape. The study was designed to assist cosmetic surgeons in finding the right breast shape for patients who were seeking reconstructive or cosmetic surgery. According to Health Magazine, participants favored a sloping breast shape that looked more like the ancient Greek Venus de Milo statue over the more rounded shapes.

Breast Augmentation by Dr. Leonard Grossman in Brooklyn NY

Where the nipple is located also matters. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most people favor a breast shape with a 45 to 55 ratio between the upper and lower portion of the breast. Ideally, 45% of the breast would be located above the nipple, with 55% located below. During the study, participants were shown images of breasts altered by Photoshop with different upper to lower pole ratios dependent on where the nipple was located. Participants more frequently chose the breasts that exhibited a 45:55 ratio.

The study is significant for cosmetic surgeons and to their patients who are deciding what final look they would like to achieve for their augmented breasts. While popular opinion formerly seemed to favor the fuller “Barbie Doll” kind of breast, research actually supports a gentler shape.

Women considering augmentation and are concerned about the breast shape and size need to think about many factors. For instance, the fuller, rounder breast might look better in clothing, while the breast shape preferred by research survey participants may look better without clothing. Plastic surgeons and their patients need to consider goals for the final breast shape and must consider all factors involved.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for breast shape and size. This will depend largely on how you want to look and on your current proportions. The kind of look you’re hoping to achieve will also determine what kind of breast augmentation procedure will work best for you. Women who want subtle changes may opt for the more natural results of fat transfer, while women who want to go considerably larger, may choose TUBA procedure where the breast implant can be filled more precisely and to any fullness during surgery.

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery in NYC, it is important that you find a talented and most qualified surgeon who has performed a wide variety of breast augmentation procedures. Experience does greatly matter. Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. is a cosmetic surgeon in New York City who has been performing breast augmentation procedures for over two decades. He participated in the research of the effectiveness and safety of silicone gel implants and uses both silicone and saline filled implants in his surgical repertoire. Dr. Grossman is also well-versed in some of the more advanced breast augmentation procedures. He is a pioneer in transumbilical breast augmentation, fat grafting and fat transfer procedures in breast augmentation. Contact Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. today to learn about what procedure may be best for you.

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