Boost in the Booty: Kim Kardashian and J. Lo Inspire More Women to Have Butt Lift Surgery

Boost in the Booty: Kim Kardashian and J. Lo Inspire More Women to Have Butt Lift Surgery

Butt Lift Surgery | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

When it comes to plastic surgery, the booty is in. Pop songs celebrate it, with Meghan Trainer reminding us all that the “boys like a little more booty to hold at night.” Celebrities are taking booty photos left and right, and plastic surgeons are reporting a surge in butt augmentation surgery.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently released data that shows a 100% increase in butt implant surgeries, and a 44% increase in Brazilian butt lift surgeries, reports Yahoo News.

And, what, or who, is responsible for this veritable booty rush?

Plastic surgeons credit celebrities for the trend. Vogue recently declared that we have entered the Era of the Booty, and we can thank Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian for ushering us in.

Breast enlargement surgery actually saw a slight decline in the number of patients electing to undergo the procedure, NBC News reports. One surgeon told NBC that the butt surgery has become popular even with women in nursing homes.

Fashion and body trends come and go, though, so patients should carefully consider their reasons for electing to have plastic surgery. Sadly, some patients sometimes choose to have plastic surgery merely to keep up with a trend, and then later find themselves seeking revision surgery. Patients should carefully consider their motivations. While most patients won’t look like a photoshopped magazine celebrity, the surgery can help patients who don’t feel like they have the assets they would like to have.

For patients with realistic expectations, goals, and good health, a Brazilian Butt Lift can have a positive impact on a patient’s self-esteem. Many patients find the cost and recovery period worth it.

Brazilian butt lift surgery can be performed in a minimally-invasive manner, with incisions as small as a grain of rice. Fat is transferred from an area of the body where it is not wanted (usually the abdomen and love handles), and then it is moved to the buttocks region, where it is more desirable. Plastic surgeons remind patients that not everyone is an ideal candidate for the Brazilian butt lift. Patients must have sufficient fat to harvest. Yet, for patients who have areas of fat that they would like to eliminate, and who also would like to add a little junk to the trunk, the Brazilian butt lift is a revelation.

Dr. Leonard Grossman, M.D. has been performing the Brazilian butt lift for almost 20 years. Dr. Grossman is a surgeon located in Brooklyn, New York who works closely with patients to ensure the best possible results. If you are considering a Brazilian Butt Lift, experience matters. A skilled surgeon can perform the procedure with minimal complications.

Dr. Leonard Grossman will take the time to understand your goals, evaluate whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, and recommend a course of action. Contact the Brooklyn office today and get one step closer to achieving the figure you deserve.

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