At-Home Plastic Surgery Leads to Tragic Results

At-Home Plastic Surgery Leads to Tragic Results

Woman applying face products on her face | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | New York

We’ve all heard of the do-it-yourself deck, the do-it-yourself paint job, and the do-it-yourself home renovation, but what about the do-it-yourself plastic surgery?

Apryl Brown dreamed of having a full-figure. She always wanted to have a nice round rear end and often told her hair-styling clients that she looked forward to the day when she could make her dream a reality. One day, while chatting with a client, she was told about a way she could achieve her goal inexpensively. Brown went to a private home where she received four injections into her butt cheeks. The person performing the injections was not a certified plastic surgeon.

After having silicone filler injected into her buttocks, Apryl Brown developed a staph infection, which led to the loss of her hands and feet.

After two injections, Brown felt that she had made a terrible error in judgment. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Brown would later learn that the material injected into her posterior was not silicone, but caulk, or the kind of material used to seal cracks in broken walls.

Brown is not the only victim who tried to bypass the help of a plastic surgeon. Other individuals try to buy dermal fillers for wrinkles over the Internet, with tragic consequences. The FDA regulates these fillers, making it legal only for plastic surgeons to purchase them. However, given the nature of the Internet, sometimes people posing as doctors or people who foolishly think they can perform the injections themselves, buy these materials. Infection, additional surgeries, and terrible disfigurement are often the result.

Patients need to be wary of buying cosmetic products online. In one case, a company claiming to sell such fillers turned out to be selling fiberglass. The patient still has scars from her self-administered treatments.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons claims that every year people make the mistake of trying to perform plastic surgery at home. Unfortunately, at-home plastic surgery is not the same as coloring one’s hair. The consequences of trying to inject these products on your own can be tragic.

Currently, there are only 21 FDA approved filler products. These products are only legal if used by a licensed plastic surgeon. Dermal fillers are very safe if properly administered. They can lead to beautiful results, a fresh new look, and increased self-confidence. However, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are hiring a licensed and skilled plastic surgeon to perform the procedure.

Dr. Leonard Grossman has been treating patients with FDA approved fillers for years. He is a skilled plastic surgeon providing Restylane injections in New York City. Restylane can reduce the sight of wrinkles and increase volume.

Currently, the only FDA approved fillers are: collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid. These fillers should always be administered by a skilled and highly professional plastic surgeon. Contact the offices of Dr. Leonard Grossman today to learn about what an experienced plastic surgeon can do for your look. Don’t take shortcuts, proper care and prevention of bad decision-making is your best medicine!

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