Woman Spends Over $250K on Plastic Surgery

Woman Spends Over $250K on Plastic Surgery

Woman planning to have a breast implant | Dr. Leonard Grossman M.D. | NY

Breast Augmentation surgery can be one of the most life-changing cosmetic procedures for a woman, increasing her self confidence and sense of femininity. But while any experienced plastic surgeon will tell you that breast implants – especially on a first-time procedure – should be no more than two cup sizes larger than the natural breasts, there are some patients – and surgeons –that don’t heed health warnings and concerns. One of those is Lacey Wildd, a glamour model turned plastic surgery connoisseur.


The 44-year-old is known for her extremely large bust, and has spent over $250,000 in cosmetic procedures – even an internal corset made of pig skin – and now wants to increase the size of her breasts yet again. This time, to size QQQ.

As patient reports and health statistics have shown time and time again, extremely large breast implants can have a large negative impact on the patient. Not only can the patient experience complications with the surgery, but the size of the implants themselves can cause severe back pain and even lead to ruptured discs.

Wildd doesn’t seem to care, however. Claiming she is “proud to be plastic,” Wildd finds nothing wrong with her obsession and plans to continue fueling it. Having undergone around 30 procedures in 20 years, Wildd is ready for more.  She aims on having the most extreme body in the world, which includes the QQQ breast implants.

Featured on the show My Strange Addiction: Proud to be Plastic, Wildd speaks out about her surgeries and her quest to attain the “best body” in the world. But is her vision of perfection skewed?

Wildd admits that she has to lie down at a “30 degree angle” or else she feels “suffocated” by her bust size. The model and mother of six often needs help to get out of bed because the weight of her breasts quite literally smothers her. She cannot sleep on her stomach and must sleep with a pillow between her breasts and between her knees to align her spine. She can’t even remember the last time she was able to see her feet.

At this point we have to wonder, has Wildd gone too far? By all intents and purposes, yes. Even her young daughter complains that she cannot give her mother a hug because she is afraid to be smothered by the large breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery is intended to make a woman feel more feminine and content with her physique, but no plastic surgery procedure in the world should hinder one’s ability to lead a normal life. The purpose of cosmetic treatments such as breast enhancement surgery is to improve one’s quality of life, not make it near impossible to perform even the simplest of daily activities.

Many individuals who have undergone multiple plastic surgery procedures reach a point in their lives when they realize they have gone too far, including former reality TV star Heidi Montag, who recently reduced the size of her large breasts because they were affecting her health.

NYC Plastic Surgeon, Dr Leonard Grossman has always professed to his patients that they will look the best and most natural if they go to a C cup breast that matches their personal proportions”. According to Grossman, 205cc implant may make one woman a C cup, whereas another, larger female may need an implant of 450cc to reach a C cup.

Plastic surgery procedures are not to be taken lightly. Patients should have a clear focus of what they want and realistic expectations. Moreover, the surgeon performing the treatment should have a solid understanding on where to draw the line to ensure the patient’s health is not compromised.

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